Online Project Management

Dear Project Manager,

You have exactly 30 days to compile a plan of action, determine who will be on your team, how much they will cost per hour, get quotes from team members (inflate them by 20%), get a budget approved, assemble a Gantt chart of who is doing what and when they are doing it, execute the plan, perform quality assurance and usability tasks, launch the project and measure how well you did in meeting your project budget.

Ready? Go!

Ah yes, the life of a project manager. If this is you and you're here to learn how to effectively handle the above like it's a piece of cake, then welcome aboard! If we deliver an effective blog to teach you methodology and best practices for online project management, then we both win. Why? Well, it's our hope that we can provide valuable tools, tips, software and ideas that you'll not only bookmark but share with your peers as well. If we build readers and can make a difference in the PM community, then we win too.

Here are the basics of online project management:

  1. Choosing the right online software or application
  2. Choosing the right team members and skill sets
  3. Mapping out and budgeting your project
  4. Resource allocations and time estimates (Gantt)
  5. Resource management and supervision
  6. Risk management
  7. Quality assurance
  8. Usability / functionality
  9. Overall project delivery
  10. Reconciling hours and budget
  11. Not messing up
Okay, I slipped that last one in, even though I'm setting you up for failure since absolutely no project will ever go exactly how you plan it to. With online project management, you can at least identify accountability and address performance issues from anywhere in the world, on any computer, tablet or smartphone. 

We hope you'll subscribe and give us periodic feedback on how we're doing. Thanks for reading and see you real soon!